
Information for unique student situations

如果你已经浏览了申请威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的所有学生信息,但似乎没有一个符合你的情况, you've come to the right page. We have several options to explore the academics at UW-Eau克莱尔.

如果你看了所有的选项,你仍然有问题,请随时提问 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 and we will be happy to help.

Under研究生/Graduate non-degree-seeking students

查看澳门葡京网赌送彩金非学位本科生和研究生的常见问题 在这里.

Under研究生 student not seeking a degree

你被认为是 本科 非学位学生,如果你毕业于认可的高中或具有同等学历, are not currently seeking a degree, and want to take 本科 coursework (100-400 level). 请注意,非攻读学位的学生没有资格获得经济援助,但有资格在校园里工作,并可以通过填写 Nontraditional Students and Student Parents Scholarship Application.


查看 本科 course 目录 to see what coursework might be available for you. Note that not all coursework may be available every semester.


提交 UW系统应用.

Registering for classes

一旦你收到一封确认你有资格注册课程的电子邮件, 遵循以下步骤 to register for classes. 请注意,由于某些课程的需求和入学限制, 学位生优先于非学位生.


有些课程需要获得部门或讲师的许可才能注册. If a course you would like to take requires permission to enroll, please contact the academic department 开设这门课程.

Frequently asked questions

视图 frequently asked questions about non-degree-seeking students.

Graduate student not seeking a degree

你被认为是 研究生 如果你在一个地区认可的机构获得了学士学位,则是非攻读学位的学生, are not currently seeking a degree, and want to take 研究生 coursework (500-level or higher).


查看 研究生 course 目录 to see what coursework might be available for you. Note that not all coursework may be available every semester.


视图 application information 在这里.

Registering for classes

一旦你收到一封确认你有资格注册课程的电子邮件, 遵循以下步骤 to register for classes. If the 研究生 enrollment period is open, 研究生非学位学生可以在在线支付计划协议提交后立即注册.


有些课程需要获得部门或讲师的许可才能注册. If a course you would like to take requires permission to enroll, please contact the academic department 开设这门课程. 

Frequently asked questions

视图 frequently asked questions about non-degree-seeking students.


如果你想上一门没有学分的课,你就被认为是旁听生. 您可以在我们的文档中找到有关谁可以审核类和审核要求的详细信息 目录. Then, you can check the current 审计费用表 for the costs associated with taking a course as an auditor.


After you have located this information, you will need to 应用 as an 本科 non-degree-seeking student 使用 UW-System应用程序

Frequently asked questions

视图 frequently asked questions about non-degree-seeking students.

Registering for classes

Once you have received your “Next Steps” email from 招生 and activated your My Blugold 营地 account, please reach out to Blugold Central at 715-836-3000 or blugoldcentral@madjuo.com for assistance with auditing a course. This will require signatures from the course instructor. Keep in mind that adding a course late may require other signatures as well.

Students seeking a degree
Reentry student enrollment

如果你过去在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校攻读学位,但没有在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校获得学位,你将被视为再入学学生. (如果你在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校获得学位,并希望获得第二个学位, view the second degree student information below.)

If you've taken one full term off, you don't need to re应用. If you have been away for two or more semesters and are ready to come back, check out the steps below to be a Blugold again!

What do I need to submit?
  • 填写一张 UW系统应用 online -请使用申请人陈述作为一种方式来传达自上次参加威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校以来您一直在做什么. 在你的申请表上,列出你目前在其他机构就读的任何课程.
  • You are exempt from the application fee.
  • You are not required to submit your high school transcript.
  • You are not required to submit your ACT/SAT scores.
  • 如果你在离开威斯康辛大学欧克莱尔分校期间曾就读或正在就读一所或多所高等教育机构, please submit an official transcript from each institution you attended. 官方成绩单应通过安全传输(不是电子邮件)以电子方式发送到威斯康星大学欧克莱尔招生处.

注意:如果你只离开威斯康辛大学欧克莱尔分校一个学期,不需要重新申请, 你还应该提交你所就读的任何高等教育机构的正式成绩单. Transfer work is critical and may affect academic progress, 学术地位, financial aid eligibility, 和毕业.

After you've been accepted
Information for suspended students

你的申请将被送到你希望进入的学院的院长办公室. 请使用申请人声明来说明暂停,并包括您希望院长办公室在审查您的申请时了解的任何信息.




我们将于4月1日开始接受春季学期(1月)的申请, and for the fall semester on August 1. 春季入学优先截止日期为11月1日,秋季入学优先截止日期为3月1日. 我们强烈鼓励有转学分的学生尽早申请入学.

What do I need to submit?
  • UW系统应用 online
  • $25 application fee online 在申请提交时,或重新登录到您的应用程序支付费用. (注:如果你以前在澳门葡京网赌送彩金注册为攻读学位的学生,你可以免交这笔费用.)
  • 寄送你所就读的每一所学院或大学的正式成绩单. (注:如果你以前是威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的学位学生, 你只需要发送你在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校毕业后就读机构的成绩单.)
After you've been accepted

一旦你被录取,你的成绩单将被转发到相应的学术部门.  顾问将审核你的成绩单,并确定你需要完成的课程,以获得第二个学位. 看到 二级顾问s 顾问名单.

招生办公室将为完成第一个学位后所修的任何本科课程准备一份正式的转学分评估. 这些信息将提供给你的顾问,当你会见他或她讨论你的第二个学位.

Going back to school for a teaching degree

如果你有学士学位,并且对获得教师资格证书感兴趣, check out your steps to 应用 below. If you have questions about this program, feel free to review our frequently asked questions or 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 with any additional questions. 


第1步 应用 to 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 by visiting 应用.威斯康辛州.edu

  • Indicate reason for 应用ing: Under研究生 degree or Teacher Certification
  • 如果你从其他机构获得学士学位,请注明申请:“转学”;如果你之前在澳门葡京网赌送彩金完成了课程,请注明“重新入学”.

2 . - 成绩单评估 

  • If you are accepted to 澳门葡京网赌送彩金, 您的成绩单将提供给您的教学学科领域的部门. 认证计划的最终副本将通过邮政邮件和电子邮件从我们的认证办公室发送给您. The plan will indicate coursework, 领域经验, and exams necessary to complete the certification. Read your plan letter carefully. This process may take 3-4 weeks.

步骤3 - 联系 department when you receive your certification plan.

  • 已经应用于? Check your application status
  • Other types of students


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